eGas Token
3 min readJan 28, 2021


Chart of Gas Consumed

…………………Ethereum Gas Token (Ticker- $eGas)………………..

1. Introduction
2. Tokenomics
3. Sustainability
4. Key Objectives
5. Utility of the Token
6. Advantages over the competition
7. Conclusion

  1. Introduction
    Introduction In cryptocurrency there are few problems that hurt profits more than ETH Gas fees. ETH gas fees can cause normal activities that would be profitable, such as staking, trading and arbitrage to become a net loss for the end user. In addition, many NFT and smart contract creators are accumulating large fees as part of their every day business.

2. Tokenomics
In terms of the Tokenomics of eGas, the total supply will be 100,000 tokens, of which:

  • 36.000 will be assigned for the token sale.
  • 36.000 will be allocated for cash back rewards (Rewards Fund).
  • 15.000 will be added to the liquidity pool in Uniswap.
  • 5.500 will be reserved for the team.
  • 7.500 will be reserved for marketing.
  • Unsold tokens will be sent to the “Rewards Fund.”
  • If the token sale is successful and the Hard-cap is reached, then the initial
  • numbers at the moment of launching on Uniswap will be:
  • Initial Amount of Tokens Held in Wallets: 36.000
  • Initial Amount of Tokens in the Rewards Fund: 36.000
  • Initial Amount of Tokens in the Pool: 15.000

3. Sustainability
In addition to the very large reward pool there is a 5% tax on all transactions that will continue to feed the reward pool. Unlike the competition users will also need to choose to get cash back rewards by initiating a “Plan”. This means there will not be wasted rewards sent to smart contracts and other wallets that may not even know about the rewards. This will eliminate the “Lost” tokens that will never be claimed. In addition, the team will continue to keep an eye on the rewards ration and future plans may be adjusted as needed on a “Move Forward” basis

4. Key Objectives
At launch there will be additional options for users to earn. These will be vaults. The vaults will lock tokens for a specific period of time and users will earn consistent rewards. This is a great option for users who may not use as much gas but still see the value and want to earn.

5. Utility of the Token
Contract will send all transaction fee to Reward fund, we won’t charge any withdraw fee to claim rewards, user can claim rewards any time without any fees . To make it more stable we will have locking period of 7 days after time expires user can reinvest or withdraw token to hold or sell. Rewards will have 15% weekly cap with no withdraw fee.

6. Advantages over the competition
User can unlock their token and withdraw whenever he want. eGas have short term and long term strategy to get rewards. There is no minimum or maximum Limit to lock for rewards as we are expecting our upcoming features will have more beneficiary to token holders.

7. Conclusion
To summarise, eGas is proud to bring an industry leading solution to the space and provide users multiple ways to earn! The team will continue to innovate and provide new features for the users. We will build this brand and your trust by executing and providing a solution to one of cryptocurrency’s largest problems.

** Cash back will be rewarded in USD value (i.e. Token worth 300$), If price Increased by 100% within a week, then User can withdraw token worth 1000$, still he will have all advantages of 2000$, so he will keep getting his transaction Fees after withdrawing his Initial Investment and now he can keep compounding his weekly ROI.

